What Is Mindful Reading?

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    Everyone knows what reading is, but you might be thinking, “What is mindful reading?” if you’ve stumbled across the phrase. You might be reading instructions on the back of a hair dye box or picking up a well-being book from the local library. But the truth is: everyone is reading something most of the day! 

    But it’s not uncommon to find yourself reading a page or a chapter only to realize that you’ve absorbed very little of what you’ve just read. Your mind becomes a multitasking machine, with an ongoing internal monologue that distracts you from the task at hand.

    Thoughts about daily chores, self-reflection, or future worries interject themselves into your reading experience, hindering your ability to engage with complex or dense texts.

    But here’s the thing: reading doesn’t just happen in your head. It’s a holistic process that engages your entire being, both mind and body.

    The challenge lies in developing the practice of mindful reading, which allows you to read with undivided attention and a prepared body. By doing so, you can unlock the transformative power of literature and gain a deeper understanding of even the most intricate texts.

    And so now let’s consider what is mindful reading and how it can change your world.

    What is mindfulness?

    Mindfulness involves bringing non-judgmental and non-reactive awareness to your moment-to-moment experience. For some, mindfulness can be a way to do some soul-searching by pausing and looking around right now.

    It’s about observing your thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment with an attitude of curiosity, acceptance, and compassion. To make it easier, here are a few questions mindfulness tends to answer:

    • What am I feeling right now?
    • Why am I feeling this way?
    • What am I thinking right now?
    • What am I doing right now?
    • What am I grateful for?
    • What is the most important thing I need to do today?

    Just like there are dozens of questions mindfulness can answer, there are numerous ways to practice the process. From mindful yoga to breathwork, mindfulness is like a big shady tree. One of these branches is mindful reading. So what is mindful reading?

    What is mindful reading?

    Perhaps the easiest answer to the question of “what is mindful reading” lies in breaking the phrase down in two. When you’re reading and doing it mindfully, you’re doing mindful reading.

    According to Mindful.org, mindful reading “slows down the reader and the reading — that alone changes the experience. It is a process of quiet reflection that requires mindful attentiveness, letting go of distracting thoughts and opinions to be fully in the moment with the text. It moves the reader into a calm awareness, allowing for a more profound experience and understanding.”

    If mindful reading is all about reading slowly and attentively, it must yield some benefits like mindfulness meditation, right?

    what is mindful reading

    Benefits of mindful reading

    So what is mindful reading good for? One might call mindful reading a concentrated mix of mindfulness meditation. It requires focus, attention, and an urge to ignore fleeting thoughts and worries to observe the now.

    With that said, here are 3 main benefits of mindful reading.

    Reduces stress

    Mindful reading is an effective tool for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. By engaging in the practice of mindful reading, you’re encouraged to slow down, focus your attention, and immerse yourself fully in the present moment.

    One study conducted in 2018 investigated the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention that included mindful reading. The results showed a significant reduction in stress levels among the participants who engaged in mindful reading compared to a control group.

    Another study in 2019 examined the impact of mindful reading on stress and reading motivation in adolescents. The results proved that mindful reading can not only alleviate stress but also enhance enjoyment in what you’re reading.

    So what is mindful reading good for? Reducing stress and increasing enjoyment. Sounds like a great benefit.

    Improves memory and cognitive function

    Mindful reading can have positive effects on memory and cognitive function in more ways than one. For starters, you are more likely to absorb and process information effectively, given that you’re focused and attentive toward your reading.

    This leads to better memory retention for people, as proven by numerous studies!

    Mindful reading can contribute to neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. Reading stimulates various regions of the brain associated with language processing, comprehension, and memory.

    Regular engagement in mindful reading can strengthen these neural networks, leading to improved memory over time. This mental stimulation can also enhance cognitive flexibility, problem-solving abilities, and overall cognitive function.

    So what is mindful reading? It’s a magic elixir for your brain!

    Attends to internal needs

    Now let’s look at some qualitative benefits you simply can’t measure. Mindful reading is one of the best ways to enjoy self-care and nurture yourself internally. When you set aside some time for reading, you’re essentially prioritizing your own well-being and creating a relaxing atmosphere for yourself.

    Reading can also offer a sense of validation and connection within yourself when you stumble across characters you connect with. These characters can help you analyze your struggles and aspirations, helping you do better in life. It can even fulfill your social needs at times!

    Are you finding it hard to juggle with your emotions recently? Understanding how to use and what is mindful reading can help!

    It can help individuals develop emotional regulation skills by observing and acknowledging their emotional reactions without becoming overwhelmed or reactive.

    reading as mindfulness meditation

    7 ways to do mindful reading

    There are quite a few ways to reap the benefits of mindful reading. If you’re looking to upgrade your life, you’ll need to experiment by trying out each way to practice mindful reading to see what works best for you!

    Let me walk you through the ultimate mindful reading experience! Are you ready?

    Set an intention

    Before starting your reading session, take a moment to set an intention. Ask yourself why you are engaging in mindful reading. Ask yourself exactly what you want to gain out of it.

    Maybe you’re looking to find some knowledge, inspiration or just to unwind! It could be to gain knowledge, find inspiration, relax, or connect with a specific theme.

    Setting an intention helps you stay focused and aligned with your goal during the reading experience.

    Create a distraction-free environment (or not?)

    Now that you’ve got it figured out, it’s time to create an environment that goes along with it. Keep in mind that there are no strict rules for the environment you can practice mindful reading in. To each their own!

    That said, there are still some general ideas of what a distraction-free space looks like for mindful reading. If your intention is to seek inspiration from reading, you can head to a local park or open space with minimal noise.

    If you want to gain some knowledge, head to a library or cafe with noise-canceling headphones! Or if you’re relaxing, light a candle on your bedstand and get cozy in the duvet for a bedtime reading session.

    Here are some general tips regardless of your aim to do the mindful reading:

    • Find a quiet space where you can read without disturbances.
    • Turn off or silence electronic devices to minimize distractions.
    • Choose a comfortable seating arrangement and ensure proper lighting.

    Again, I recommend not getting carried away in this step. Some of the perfectionists out there (me included) might feel like we need the perfect chair or lamp or hour of the day to do mindful reading. But that’s simply not true!

    By creating a serene environment, you can enhance your ability to stay present and fully engage with the text.

    There is, of course, an opportunity to find out what is mindful reading like for you in a place full of distractions! Is the text that immersive and can you be fully present that the whole world drops away?


    Slow down and take deep breaths

    As you begin your mindful reading practice, it’s beneficial to establish a foundation of calm and presence. Taking a few deep breaths before delving into the text can be a powerful tool in centering yourself and connecting with the present moment.

    Deep breathing has a soothing effect on both the mind and body. In other words, deep breathing signals to your brain that you’re relaxed and safe, which helps you focus better on the text in a better mood. It also lowers your heart rate, promotes cardiovascular health, and even reduces stress!

    Once you’ve settled into your reading, it’s important to maintain a gentle and unhurried pace. Resist the urge to rush through the text. Instead, give yourself permission to savor each word and sentence, allowing them to unfold naturally.

    Read. It. Slow. And. Sweet.

    Underline new words, find out their meanings, and take as many pauses as you want to. Don’t judge yourself for being slow or push yourself to finish an x amount of pages in a single sitting.

    Sometimes a single page can be the best form of mindful reading. By adopting a leisurely tempo, you create space for deeper engagement and comprehension.

    Engage your senses

    Bring your awareness to the table of your mindful reading experience. Pay attention to the weight and texture of the book in your hands, the feeling of turning each page, or the sound of the words in your mind as you read silently.

    Observe the visual aspects of the text, such as the font, layout, and any accompanying illustrations. Allow your eyes to explore the pages, taking in the visual elements that contribute to the overall reading experience.
    Notice the details, the colors, and the arrangement of the text. Engaging your senses in this way helps anchor you in the present moment, bringing you closer to the text and fostering a deeper connection with the material.

    Practice non-judgmental awareness

    Approach the text with a non-judgmental mindset. Instead of immediately categorizing the content as good or bad, right or wrong, allow yourself to observe it with curiosity and openness. Embrace a sense of exploration, as each word and idea presents an opportunity for learning and growth.

    Allow thoughts, emotions, and reactions to arise without attaching to them or getting carried away by them. Observe these mental and emotional processes as they come and go, like a bystander on a busy street! Allow them to flow through you and don’t judge the intensity or shades of these thoughts at all.

    Remember, your thoughts, emotions, and reactions are all valid parts of your reading experience. They provide insights into your personal interpretation and connection with the material. Embrace them as valuable contributions to your understanding and growth.

    Take mindful pauses

    After reading a chapter, a section, or even a paragraph, take a moment to pause. These pauses provide an opportunity for reflection and integration of the material you’ve just read.

    What I personally do is simply close my eyes, take a deep breath, and let the words and ideas settle within me. And here’s my recommendation to you, dear reader:

    • Gently close your eyes and take a deep breath. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience of the words resonating within you.
    • Use this moment to check in with yourself, observing any thoughts, emotions, or reactions that have arisen during your reading.
    • Be present with these internal experiences, without judgment or attachment.

    The mindful pause serves as a bridge between the act of reading and the process of assimilating the information. It provides an opportunity to connect with your inner wisdom and insights.

    As you pause and reflect, you create space for a deeper understanding and integration of the material, making it more meaningful and applicable to your own life.

    Reflect and journal

    After completing your reading session, take some time to reflect on your experience. Take a moment to consider any insights, emotions, or questions that emerged during your reading.

    Engage in a reflective practice that resonates with you, whether it is writing in a journal, jotting down key thoughts, or even engaging in a written dialogue with the text itself.

    Reflection and journaling play a vital role in deepening your understanding and fostering a profound connection with the material. Through the act of writing, you externalize your thoughts and engage with them in a more tangible way.

    This process helps clarify your ideas, uncover deeper meanings, and make connections that may not have been immediately apparent during the reading itself. You can also realize some missing gaps as you revise and think about what you’ve learned and read in this session.

    Whether through journaling, note-taking, or written dialogue, embrace this practice as a supportive and nurturing way to deepen your understanding, clarify your thoughts, and cultivate a more profound connection with the material.

    Maybe start with the reflective question “What is mindful reading for me today?” or “what is mindful reading revealing about my state of mind?”. Was today a immersive, focused experience? Or did my mind wonder quickly onto other topics?

    Final Thoughts

    So what is mindful reading? Mindful reading is a form of mindfulness meditation that can revolutionize your learning curve. It’s a way to elaborate the plain reading experience, grow your emotional range, and enjoy a plethora of benefits.

    The best news is that there are more ways than one to practice a mindfulness meditation like mindful reading. So let us know how you plan on incorporating mindful reading into your life in the comments.

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