Best Shampoo Without Harmful Ingredients

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    Given that most shampoos come with poison like sulfates and formaldehyde, finding the best shampoo without harmful ingredients can be an exhausting journey. It’s not like there’s just a handful of chemicals you need to read labels for.

    The shampoo industry disguises many of its toxic hair ingredients under multiple names. And no, they’re not easily understood unless you’re a shampoo expert. So in this article, we’re hopping through all those hoops together.

    We’ve done all the research you need to find the best shampoo without harmful ingredients. These are free from all the ingredients EWG has recommended against and are thoroughly tested by multiple experts around the world. 

    For those of you new on this path, let’s tackle this quick question…

    How Can Shampoo Damage You?

    Shampoos might be an unsuspecting element of your everyday life that you overlook. But what if I told you this very thing might be causing you bacne, brittle hair, and even hair loss? It might sound like a joke but it’s not.

    Most shampoos today contain harmful and even toxic hair ingredients that are doing the opposite of what you want them to! So yes, shampoo damages you in more ways than one. Here’s a quick scary checklist of how your shampoo might be hurting your hair health:

    • Harsh detergents in shampoo, like sulfates, can strip natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage.
    • Shampooing too frequently disrupts the scalp’s pH balance, causing dryness and irritation.
    • Chemicals such as parabens and silicones can cause allergic reactions and build up on the hair, making it dull.
    • Overwashing can stimulate excess oil production, leading to greasy hair.
    • Improper rinsing leaves residues that block moisture, causing dehydration and frizz.

    Oh, but that’s not all… We still need to talk about the damage shampoo does around you.

    Environmental effect

    These chemicals also wash down drains and end up in waterways and ultimately the ocean, where they contribute to water pollution, harming aquatic ecosystems.

    Most of these toxic hair ingredients are not biodegradable, which makes their environmental impact worse. They can cloud the water’s surface which reduces oxygen levels underwater, killing much of the affected aquatic life.

    Remnants of shampoos have been found in the drinking water of first-world countries as well!

    Top 10 Toxic Chemicals In Shampoos

    Shampoos and conditioners are hosts of toxic hair ingredients that you unknowingly pour on your hair. So when it comes to the best shampoo without harmful ingredients, you want to avoid these top 10 toxic chemicals:

    • Sulfates
    • Parabens
    • Formaldehyde
    • Phthalate
    • Polyethylene Glycol
    • Alcohol
    • Synthetic Fragrances
    • Dimethicone
    • Retinyl Palmitate
    • Triclosan

    We wrote a full-length article explaining just how each of these toxic hair ingredients harms your hair and scalp. Not only are some of them stripping your hair of its natural texture and pH but are also causing cancer! Learn more about the top 10 toxic chemicals in shampoos and conditioners.

    The Best Shampoo Without Harmful Ingredients You Can Buy

    Thankfully, a handful of companies have come out with alternatives to those offered by the toxic shampoo industry. These companies provide some products that improve your hair health. If you are looking for the best shampoo without harmful ingredients in them, we have found these ones so far.

    100% PURE

    With a commitment to natural and organic products, 100% PURE ensures you never have to worry about toxic chemicals, chemical preservatives, artificial colors, or fragrances. This brand is vegan, cruelty-free, and holds a Green Business Certified status.

    Based in California, 100% PURE maximizes the benefits of nature’s finest ingredients like neem and virgin coconut, delivering healthy hair care products enriched with protective antioxidants.

    Indulge in a range of fresh-scented shampoos and conditioners, all at incredibly affordable price points. 100% PURE even extends its offerings to beauty and skincare products, creating a convenient one-stop shop for high-quality and budget-friendly beauty solutions.


    For those who want a personalized hair care routine, Prose comes with organic and natural ingredients. It includes no parabens, sulfates, or GMOs and is PETA-approved amongst many other accreditations.

    Even though this is an expensive brand compared to some other ones on this list, Prose is equally loved by professional stylists and customers. Since the shampoo includes ingredients such as bamboo charcoal, baobab extracts, and avocado oils, Prose makes your hair strong, shiny, and healthier than ever. Definitely a contender for the best shampoo without harmful ingredients on our list, if you can afford it.

    Sienna Naturals

    For textured hair, hydration is ever more important and Sienna Naturals is the perfect partner in your curly journey. With plant-based ingredients, Sienna Naturals is proudly based in the US and operates in an ethical, sustainable, and cruelty-free manner.

    Their signature foaming cleaner removes any excess dirt and buildup on your scalp, acting as a skincare product for your scalp. Meanwhile, ingredients like baobab oil, lavender oil, and aloe vera give your textured hair the love and care they deserve.

    Plus, if supporting people of color and women is a cause you stand for, Sienna Naturals is a black woman-owned brand.

    NatureLab Tokyo

    If your faith is put into fruits and crops of nature, let me introduce you to NatureLab Tokyo. The brand focuses on creating fruit-derived formulas that are free from parabens, phthalates, and sulfates. It also means the brand is cruelty-free, organic, and vegan-friendly. Another top contender for the best shampoo without harmful ingredients.

    According to the owner of the brand, healthy hair only comes after a healthy scalp and when you combine modern clean technology with ancient Japanese beauty rituals, you get the best of both worlds! So these bottles include fruit seed oils, grapefruit extracts as well as natural keratin.

    True Botanicals

    True Botanicals take the win for their anti-oxidant formulas that are made from certified organic ingredients and are free from sulfates and GMOs. While it’s not as affordable for most, the benefits of True Botanicals far outweigh the price point.

    Their shampoo formula includes ingredients such as aloe leaf extract, green tea oil, a coconut-derived surfactant and many antioxidants that give your hair the life they truly deserve.

    And when it’s Olivia Wilde approved, you just need to trust it’s that good.

    JVN Hair

    Is your hair brittle and easily breaks down? JVN Hair’s ultra-hydrating formulas might become your saving grace. These shampoos are famous for including healing ingredients like aloe leaf juice, bamboo extract, jojoba esters, camellia seed oil, and hydrolyzed quinoa. 

    With an affordable price point, JVN Hair shampoos include a secret golden ingredient: hemisqualane. This ingredient is sustainably sourced from sugarcane, which penetrates the hair to repair all the damage done by sulfates and silicone.

    That’s right… JVN Hair is free from silicone and sulfates while offering a cruelty-free and vegan product to your doorstep within days. And did I mention that the bottles are made of recyclable aluminum and glass?

    See why we are having trouble picking just one for the best shampoo without harmful ingredients? Besides, the multitude of hair types needs a good variety of products.

    Alternatives to Shampoo

    The “No Poo” method is a hair care trend that involves ditching traditional shampoos and embracing alternative ways to clean and maintain your hair. We used this technique for a few months before it had a trendy tag or name with a heap of success.

    Perhaps the best shampoo without harmful ingredients is no shampoo at all? It’s like a rebellious act against harsh chemicals.

    No shampoo enthusiasts opt for natural cleansers or methods such as water-only washing, co-washing with conditioner, or using baking soda and apple cider vinegar. It’s all about finding a gentler, more eco-friendly approach to keep your locks luscious and healthy while giving you a dash of unconventional charm.

    Types Of No Shampoo Cleansing

    Luckily, there are many ways to go about with the no shampoo method. We don’t currently have a researched winner on which one’s the best but here are the top 4 methods:

    best shampoo without harmful ingredients- not shampoo (pic of coconut oil and coconuts)

    Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil is a really popular type of “no poo” method. Some might even agree that coconut oil is the best shampoo without harmful ingredients and refrains from any toxic hair ingredients you can find in other products. It is particularly beneficial for dry, frizzy, or damaged hair types.

    To apply coconut oil, warm a small amount in your palms and massage it into the ends or all over your hair, leaving it on for at least 30 minutes or overnight before rinsing thoroughly. This technique deeply nourishes and moisturizes the hair, leading to improved shine, reduced frizz, and decreased breakage.

    Coconut oil also possesses antimicrobial properties that can help address dandruff and scalp issues, making it a versatile and advantageous choice for the no shampoo approach.

    Only Conditioner

    The “Only Conditioner” method is an approach that relies solely on conditioner for hair cleansing. It works best for individuals with curly or dry hair types and is full of benefits including:

    • Gentle cleansing,
    • Hydration,
    • Reduced stripping of natural oils,
    • Helps retain moisture,
    • Improve hair texture.

    To use this method, wet your hair thoroughly and apply a generous amount of conditioner, massaging it into the scalp and hair strands. Allow the conditioner to sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out.

    Additionally, using conditioner alone avoids harsh chemicals found in traditional shampoos, making it a favorable choice for those seeking a more natural hair care routine.

    Only Water

    This method is perhaps the simplest of all and requires just a running stream of water. The suitability of this method largely depends on an individual’s hair type. It tends to work best for individuals with naturally balanced or oily hair.

    Start by thoroughly wetting your hair with warm water. This helps to loosen any dirt or debris present in the hair. Gently massage your scalp with your fingertips for a few minutes.

    This helps stimulate blood circulation and distribute the natural oils produced by your scalp throughout your hair. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water to remove any loosened dirt or buildup. Ensure that the water runs through your hair from the roots to the tips.

    In the end, allow your hair to air dry naturally or use a wide-toothed comb or natural bristle brush to detangle it. Avoid using heat styling tools or brushing aggressively, as these can disrupt the hair’s natural balance.

    toxic hair ingredients alternative (baking soda)

    Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar

    Sometimes, you need a cleansing to keep your hair healthy. But when you don’t want to turn to toxic hair ingredients in shampoos, this method might just be your savior.

    Often called the best shampoo without harmful ingredients on the internet, baking soda, and apple cider vinegar are holy grail ingredients for any type of cleaning…

    Yes, hair included!

    Not only does this combination balance your scalp’s pH levels, but it also serves as an excellent gentle cleanser which also reduces any product buildup. When your scalp can breathe, it will definitely show some results on your hair.

    But keep in mind, this might not be for you if you have exceptionally brittle and dry hair as this may dry this further. So how do you use apple cider vinegar and baking soda to wash your hair?

    1. In a clean container, mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 cup of water. Stir until the baking soda dissolves completely.
    2. Wet your hair thoroughly. Pour the baking soda mixture onto your scalp and hair, focusing on the roots. Gently massage your scalp for a few minutes to distribute the mixture and cleanse the hair. Be careful not to scrub too vigorously, as baking soda can be abrasive.
    3. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water to remove the baking soda mixture. Make sure the water runs through your hair from the roots to the tips.
    4. In a separate container, mix one tablespoon of ACV with 1 cup of water. You can add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance if desired.
    5. After rinsing out the baking soda, pour the ACV mixture onto your hair, avoiding contact with your eyes. Gently massage it into your hair and scalp. Let it sit for a minute or 2.
    6. Rinse your hair thoroughly with water to remove the ACV mixture. Ensure that the water runs through your hair completely to remove any remaining residue.

    Final Thoughts

    Caring for your hair doesn’t have to include introducing toxic hair ingredients to it. But not everyone can understand how the tiny prints on the back of their shampoo bottles are doing more damage than good.

    So in this article, I wanted to explore the options that can care for your hair, health, and the environment. When it comes to the best shampoo without harmful ingredients, make sure to do your research. Please let us know in the comments below if you tried these or have found the best shampoo without harmful ingredients for you, or if you have tried the no shampoo technique.

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